April 15, 2024
Hello, BFFs!
Today we are talking about finding new readers with group author promotions, and the unsung heroes that make them one of the most effective, and least expensive, tools an author can use to grow their mailing list. And, because we love to delight BookFunnel authors with new goodies, we’ve added a few new promo features that both participants and promo organizers are going to love.
Organizers rule!
Thousands of group author promos run every month on BookFunnel, across all genres, and more are posted every day. And, all of these promotions are made possible by the organizers who pull them together. Because of their hard work, readers find over 3 million books through BookFunnel group promos every month, and hundreds of thousands of readers find new authors to love.
Shockingly, these heroic promo organizers are not, in fact, superheroes (or are they?). Organizers are usually indie authors, just like you, who are willing to dive in and make magic happen so that the rest of us can benefit. Without these generous generals, there would be no promos to join!
To thank these wonderful superhumans for their tireless work, we’ve been building some new tools to make it easier for them (and you!) to post and organize group promos on BookFunnel. We’ve actually been working on a lot of updates, so consider this the first wave of new features with more announcements to come soon.
New organizer tools
First, a huge thank-you to the promo organizers who shared their experiences and offered ideas for how we could make promos faster and easier to manage. Your feedback was so insightful and helped us hone in on the changes, big and small, that would make promos run more smoothly.
So, in no particular order, here are a few updates we’ve just rolled out for promo organizers:
- Duplicate one of your past promos and save time filling in the details
- Save promo drafts until you are ready to publish them publicly
- Schedule promos to begin recruiting on a future date
- Easily re-use promo links from past promos, letting you establish a brand
- Sort participants by clicks on their tracking link to better see who has shared
- Upcoming and active promos are separated from completed promos to make navigation faster and cleaner
This update is all about letting organizers do more in less time. If you’re one of our organized organizers who’s really on top of things, you can now schedule your promos out into the future. With the handy new duplicate feature, you can reuse all the hard work you’ve done before and create a fully formed new promo in seconds.
And, if you want to create a single home for all of your promos on BookFunnel, you can choose a single promo link and then schedule its use in all of your promos! No more need to add -april or -march to your links. You can use the same promo link over and over, and BookFunnel will handle all of the scheduling. Which makes it really easy to run Facebook ads, too!
New Promo Genres Added
While this update is primarily focused on running promos, we did manage to sneak in some goodies for author participants too! New subgenres have been added in General Fiction, Mystery & Suspense, Non-Fiction, Romance, and Sci-Fi & Fantasy! You can find them on your BookFunnel author dashboard.
If you’ve never joined a BookFunnel group promo, now is the time! Just click Group Promos on your BookFunnel dashboard. You can even set custom notifications to find out about new promos that are posted in your genre!
Coming soon
We have more changes coming to promos, but we really couldn’t wait to put these new tools into the hands of organizers. We hope you like them.
Until next time!